Radek Baborák & Berliner Barock Solisten – J.S. Bach: Horn Concertos (2021) [Official Digital Download 24bit/48kHz]

Radek Baborák & Berliner Barock Solisten – J.S. Bach: Horn Concertos (2021)
FLAC (tracks) 24 bit/48 kHz | Time – 53:54 minutes | 560 MB | Genre: Classical
Studio Masters, Official Digital Download | Front Cover | © haenssler CLASSIC

Johann Sebastian Bach never composed a concerto or solo piece for the Waldhorn. Here and there, it is true, he wrote some wonderful passages for the valveless horn of his day – in the Brandenburg Concerto no.1, the Mass in B minor and just a few of his cantatas. For my part, I was keen to get closer still to his musical cosmos. Some 20 years ago, I began to play his cello suites on the horn and I handled them very carefully. It was the first hurdle to clear and my first encounter as a hornist with the great master.

“You can approach Bach in many different ways”- horn concertos with Radek Baborak: Imagine the following scene: A music-loving Venetian merchant visits Leipzig on business in the 1730s. Once the deal is done, his business contacts in the city invite him to a concert in Zimmermann’s Coffee House, where Thomaskantor Johann Sebastian regularly performs with his Collegium musicum. The evening’s programme includes a Concerto for four harpsichords and strings with Bach himself, probably his grown-up sons and maybe one of his pupils on the solo instruments. When the work begins, the visitor from Venice is taken by surprise. This is music he knows from his native city, albeit as a Concerto for four violins and strings from the cycle L’estro armonico by his countryman Antonio Vivaldi. Bach has arranged the concerto and much else out of admiration for the Venetian maestro.


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Albrecht Mayer, Berliner Barock Solisten – Bach Generations (2023) [Official Digital Download 24bit/96kHz]

Albrecht Mayer, Berliner Barock Solisten – Bach Generations (2023)
FLAC (tracks) 24 bit/96 kHz | Time – 01:22:48 minutes | 1,49 GB | Genre: Classical
Studio Masters, Official Digital Download | Front Cover | © Deutsche Grammophon (DG)

Star oboist Albrecht Mayer joins forces with the Berliner Barock Solisten in music by members of three generations of the uniquely talented Bach family. As well as works by the great Johann Sebastian himself, there are transcriptions of a vocal piece by one of his father’s cousins, Johann Christoph Bach, and of keyboard concertos by two of his sons – Carl Philipp Emanuel and Johann Christoph Friedrich.


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Berliner Barock Solisten, Michael Rische – C.P.E. Bach: Piano Concertos (2022) [Official Digital Download 24bit/44,1kHz]

Berliner Barock Solisten, Michael Rische - C.P.E. Bach: Piano Concertos (2022) [Official Digital Download 24bit/44,1kHz] Download

Berliner Barock Solisten, Michael Rische – C.P.E. Bach: Piano Concertos (2022)
FLAC (tracks) 24 bit/44,1 kHz | Time – 01:05:16 minutes | 595 MB | Genre: Classical
Studio Masters, Official Digital Download | Digital Booklet, Front Cover | © haenssler CLASSIC

Michael Rische belongs to the small group of musicians, even internationally, who consistently enrich musical life with authoritative discoveries. After Michael Rische presented a recording of compositions on the notes b-a-c-h by Johann Sebastian Bach up to the present in the Bach Year 2000, he is working with growing success to re-establish the almost forgotten piano concertos of his son Carl Philipp Emanuel in musical life. With his recordings to date, he has received extensive international attention right from the start. Leipzig 1733: a significant date for a musical genre that has been an integral part of our musical life for more than two hundred years – the piano concerto. In this year Johann Sebastian Bach wrote his great Concerto in D minor BWV 1052 and his second eldest son Carl Philipp Emanuel, at the age of 19, his first piano concerto, the Concerto Wq 1 in A minor. If one listens to the concertos in direct comparison, one hardly wants to believe that both were composed at the same time and in the same place. The Concerto in D major Wq 45 was written in Hamburg in 1778, with two horns added to the orchestral sound. Of all his piano concertos, the Concerto in E minor Wq 15 (1745) is by far the most experimental.

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Berliner Barock Solisten, Reinhard Goebel – Symphonies of the Bach Familiy (2022) [Official Digital Download 24bit/48kHz]

Berliner Barock Solisten, Reinhard Goebel - Symphonies of the Bach Familiy (2022) [Official Digital Download 24bit/48kHz] Download

Berliner Barock Solisten, Reinhard Goebel – Symphonies of the Bach Familiy (2022)
FLAC (tracks) 24 bit/48 kHz | Time – 01:03:37 minutes | 682 MB | Genre: Classical
Studio Masters, Official Digital Download | Digital Booklet, Front Cover | © haenssler CLASSIC

Every generation creates its own forms of expression. Often, this happens in abrupt rejection of what has gone before. And not infrequently, the provocative gestures in which a new attitude to life is articulated disappear again just as quickly as they appeared. Such thoughts may also have moved Johann Sebastian Bach when, in the early 1740s, his two eldest sons took up the genre of the symphony, which had come from Italy and was accompanied by a novel treatment of the orchestra and compositional technique. Together with their generational peers, they created an independent line of tradition that was later referred to by music historians as the “symphony of the North German school.” The fact that the symphony did not remain a short-lived fashion, favored by a handful of young savages, but advanced to become a genre that was soon considered the “acknowledged paramount form of instrumental music”, was one of the most significant and momentous musical achievements of the 18th century.

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Berliner Barock Solisten, Reinhard Goebel – Mozart: Serenades (2021) [Official Digital Download 24bit/48kHz]

Berliner Barock Solisten, Reinhard Goebel - Mozart: Serenades (2021) [Official Digital Download 24bit/48kHz] Download

Berliner Barock Solisten, Reinhard Goebel – Mozart: Serenades (2021)
FLAC (tracks) 24 bit/48 kHz | Time – 51:26 minutes | 527 MB | Genre: Classical
Studio Masters, Official Digital Download | Digital Booklet, Front Cover | © hanssler Classic

When in December 1812 the French violinist Pierre Rode (1774-1830) first visited Vienna, Beethoven wrote a work for Rode’s appearance before the “Associated Cavaliers” in the Palais Lobkowitz, his Violin Sonata op. 96, which received its premiere with Archduke Rudolph at the clavier: Beethoven, lover of humanity and advocate of peace among all nations, chose to stay at home and sulk, presumably so as not to have to offer his hand to a famous colleague. In the Great Hall of the Redoute, in which the public debut took place a little later, Rode for his part played works of his own. Whereas the correspondent of the “Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung” spoke in cautiously favourable terms of Rode’s technique, only to add, “on the other hand he lacks that which electrifies and enraptures all hearts, fire and that pleasure which cannot be further described, that magic which charms and delights,” the violinist and composer Louis Spohr, who was also present, expressed himself more clearly and described the cause of the effect: “Through eternal Repetition of the same and ever the same Compositions the Recital had increasingly slipped into a Manner that bordered hard on Carricature”.

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Berliner Barock Solisten – C.P.E. Bach: Concertos & Symphonies II (2015) [Official Digital Download 24bit/48kHz]

Berliner Barock Solisten - C.P.E. Bach: Concertos & Symphonies II (2015) [Official Digital Download 24bit/48kHz] Download

Berliner Barock Solisten – C.P.E. Bach: Concertos & Symphonies II (2015)
FLAC (tracks) 24 bit/48 kHz | Time – 01:02:36 minutes | 680 MB | Genre: Classical
Studio Masters, Official Digital Download | Digital Booklet, Front Cover | © deutsche harmonia mundi

Very few ensembles specializing in early music can display a level of artistic mastery akin to that of the Berliner Barock Solisten. Founded in 1995 by Rainer Kussmaul and other prominent members of the prestigious Berliner Philharmoniker, the musicians and their director (as first among equals) have created a unique approach to performing works of the 17th and 18th centuries. The “Berlin Baroque Soloists” not only do justice to their name (each musician is a master soloist), they also play on historic, though modernized, instruments, using bows from various periods, depending on the work being performed. This flexibility, along with the homogeneity with which the ensemble plays and the presence of leading soloists from the “early music scene” within its ranks, is virtually unparalleled internationally. With historical discernment, the old is treated to a fresh hearing, to fresh thinking. The result is a modern interpretation, but without “modernization”.

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Berliner Barock Solisten – C. P. E. Bach: Concertos & Symphonies (2015) [Official Digital Download 24bit/44,1kHz]

Berliner Barock Solisten - C. P. E. Bach: Concertos & Symphonies (2015) [Official Digital Download 24bit/44,1kHz] Download

Berliner Barock Solisten – C. P. E. Bach: Concertos & Symphonies (2015)
FLAC (tracks) 24 bit/44,1 kHz | Time – 01:07:11 minutes | 662 MB | Genre: Classical
Studio Masters, Official Digital Download | Front Cover | © deutsche harmonia mundi

Auf diesen Jubilar darf man sich lokalpatriotisch freuen, denn Carl Philipp Emanuel trägt zu Recht den Titel „der Berliner Bach“. Vor 300 Jahren wird er geboren, lernt beim Vater in Leipzig, studiert Jura an der Viadrina und entwickelt sich rasch zu einem der führenden Cembalisten. Friedrich II. nimmt ihn noch als Kronprinz in seine Kapelle auf. Nach der Thronbesteigung beginnt ein fast drei Jahrzehnte währender Dienst als Hofcembalist – eine schwierige, für Bach oft auch demütigende Zeit. Er darf den Monarchen bei seinem ersten Flötenkonzert in Charlottenburg begleiten, doch er gehört nicht zu den Stars der Kapelle, die auch als Komponisten geschätzt werden.

Bachs Versuche, woanders in Lohn und Brot zu kommen, weiß Friedrich II. zu unterbinden. So werden die bürgerlichen Berliner Salons zu seiner eigentlichen Bühne. Ekstatisch geht er am Cembalo auf Seelensuche, will „das Herz in Bewegung setzen“. Ein derartig überspanntes Verhalten ist als Begleiter des oft stundenlang Flötenkonzerte blasenden Königs undenkbar.

Bachs Förderer ermutigten ihn, sich “gehen zu lassen” Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach wird zu Lebzeiten berühmter als sein Vater, und Haydn räumt gerne ein, viel von ihm gelernt zu haben. Es ist seine die Formen des Barock sprengende Subjektivität, die in ein neues Musikzeitalter weist. Davon kündet auch die erste CD im Jubiläumsjahr: Die Berliner Barock Solisten haben sie mit Gottfried von der Goltz als Konzertmeister eingespielt. Den vibrierenden Kern der Aufnahme bilden zwei der sechs Sinfonien, die Gottfried van Swieten bei Bach in Auftrag gab. Der spätere Förderer von Haydn, Mozart und Beethoven ermutigte Bach, sich in ihnen ganz „gehen zu lassen“. Das Ergebnis ist mitreißend, zu neuen Ufern strebend.

Wie sehr Bach sich als Ausdrucksmusiker sieht, der Emotionen nicht dem herrschenden Geschmack opfert, verrät das Oboenkonzert auf der CD: Im langsamen Satz weiß er die Satzbezeichnung „mesto“ (traurig) nahezu endlos zu steigern. Philharmoniker-Solist Jonathan Kelly macht daraus ein winterliches Vergnügen, bevor sie weiterstürmt, die Musik Carl Philipp Emanuels. Am 8. März geben ihm die Berliner Barock Solisten ein Jubiläumskonzert im Kammermusiksaal. Vormerken! (Ulrich Amling, Der Tagesspiegel)

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Berliner Barock Solisten – Bach: Brandenburgische Konzerte (2017) [Official Digital Download 24bit/96kHz]

Berliner Barock Solisten - Bach: Brandenburgische Konzerte (2017) [Official Digital Download 24bit/96kHz] Download

Berliner Barock Solisten – Bach: Brandenburgische Konzerte (2017)
FLAC (tracks) 24 bit/96 kHz | Time – 01:34:26 minutes | 1,82 GB | Genre: Classical
Studio Masters, Official Digital Download | Digital Booklet, Front Cover | © Sony Classical

Berlin Barock Solisten release a spectacular new recording of one of the Baroque era’s most celebrated masterpieces. Thirty years after Goebel’s first reference recording of the Brandenburg Concertos, Goebel and the Berlin Barock Solisten revisit the Brandenburgs.

Under the baton of Reinhard Goebel, the Berlin Barock Solisten releases a spectacular new recording of one of the Baroque era’s most celebrated masterpieces.

Thirty years after Goebel’s first reference recording of the Brandenburg Concertos, maestro Goebel and the Berlin Barock Solisten perform the Brandenburgs not only with consummate technique but with thrilling verve, supreme sensitivity and a wealth of dynamic contrasts. Goebel has also incorporated the latest findings of musical scholarship in his recording, for example regarding the choice of instruments.

Rounding off the recording are the Sinfonias from the Cantatas “Ich liebe den Höchsten von ganzem Gemüte” and “Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats”, both of which relate musically to the Brandenburg Concertos.

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Benjamin Appl, Berliner Barock Solisten, Reinhard Goebel – Cantatas of the Bach Family (2020) [Official Digital Download 24bit/96kHz]

Benjamin Appl, Berliner Barock Solisten, Reinhard Goebel - Cantatas of the Bach Family (2020) [Official Digital Download 24bit/96kHz] Download

Benjamin Appl, Berliner Barock Solisten, Reinhard Goebel – Cantatas of the Bach Family (2020)
FLAC (tracks) 24 bit/96 kHz | Time – 01:19:08 minutes | 1,45 GB | Genre: Classical
Studio Masters, Official Digital Download | Digital Booklet, Front Cover | © haenssler CLASSIC

As we reflect on Johann Sebastian Bach and his sons, we are all too likely to overlook the fact that there were six sons from two marriages who inclined towards Music. True, Maria Barbaras third son Johann Gottfried Bernhard, born in Weimar in 1715, more or less disappeared from view in 1737, and it is plain that Anna Magdalenas first son Gottfried Heinrich, born in 1724, was mentally handicapped: A great Genius, which however was never developed, wrote his half-brother Carl Philipp Emanuel in the family chronicle. For thirty years, making and writing music, he had been the musical front-runner in Saxony and Thuringia: the vanguard was located wherever he was, in his hands and at his writing-desk. Increasingly, twenty-year-olds and a few late starters in their thirties were coming on to the market and showing Bach a new way forward: the galant style, spreading north from Naples ever since 1715, and the flamboyant, ever more richly ornamented music of the late Baroque, constantly threatening to break down under the weight of emblematic connotation and religious symbolism, in contrast to that simpler form, written by mortals for mortals, distinguished by its slow, easily comprehensible harmony and its truly singable melodies in what was at most an expanded two-part structure.

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