Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Irmgard Seefried, Schweizerisches Festspielorchester, Rafael Kubelík – Lucerne Festival Historic Performances Vol. IV – Rafael Kubelik conducts Bartók: Bluebeard’s Castle (2014) [Official Digital Download 24bit/48kHz]

Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Irmgard Seefried, Schweizerisches Festspielorchester, Rafael Kubelík – Lucerne Festival Historic Performances Vol. IV – Rafael Kubelik conducts Bartók: Bluebeard’s Castle (2014)
FLAC (tracks) 24 bit/48 kHz | Time – 01:00:39 minutes | 371 MB | Genre: Classical
Studio Masters, Official Digital Download | Front Cover | © Audite Musikproduktion

Gramophone Review by Gripping Bluebeard :: Bartók’s Duke Bluebeard’s Castle is in essence about the inscrutability of an older man and the burning curiosity of a younger woman, an opera that’s very difficult to cast and even more tricky to pace, given the risk of sinking into a lugubrious tonal quagmire. And yet, given a conductor of Rafael Kubelik’s calibre, there’s scope for a gripping inner narrative – provided the singers fit their roles, which in this case they most certainly do.

Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau twice recorded Bluebeard commercially, but in concert any sense of propriety is thrown to the winds and he sounds (and sings) the part as never before on disc, commanding, compassionate, occasionally impatient and with a macho swagger to the voice that suits the role to a T. Irmgard Seefried on the other hand is the most girlish, innocent-sounding Judith I’ve ever heard, the opposite of, say, Jessye Norman (the most regal Judith on disc), impressionable rather than vulnerable, though when Bluebeard flings open the door to his vast kingdom she intones a rather shortbreathed top C. Kubelik is magnificent, cueing his Swiss Festival Orchestra players to etch each scene with bold primary colours, even the mournful lake of tears. The climaxes are overwhelming (especially Judith’s internment), even though heard through rather over-resonant sound. Not perfect by any means (and there are no ghostly voices) but wonderful!

01. Schweizerisches Festspielorchester, Rafael Kubelík – Wir sind am Ziele (Here we are now) (04:32)
02. Schweizerisches Festspielorchester, Rafael Kubelík – Dies ist also Blaubarts Feste! (So this is really Bluebeard’s castle!) (05:53)
03. Schweizerisches Festspielorchester, Rafael Kubelík – Stumm und verschlossen die Türen (Seven doors all barred and bolted) (04:48)
04. Schweizerisches Festspielorchester, Rafael Kubelík – ERSTE TÜRE: Weh! – Was siehst Du? (Woe! – What seest thou?) (04:03)
05. Schweizerisches Festspielorchester, Rafael Kubelík – ZWEITE TÜRE: Was siehst Du? – Tausend schaurig scharfe Waffen (What seest thou? – Piles of cruel arms and armours) (04:46)
06. Schweizerisches Festspielorchester, Rafael Kubelík – DRITTE TÜRE: Oh welche Pracht! (Mountains of gold) (02:28)
07. Schweizerisches Festspielorchester, Rafael Kubelík – VIERTE TÜRE: Ein Blumenmeer, ein einziger Duft (Ah! What lovely flowers!) (04:48)
08. Schweizerisches Festspielorchester, Rafael Kubelík – FÜNFTE TÜRE: Ah! – Sieh, so weit die Blicke reichen (Ah! – Now behold my spacious kingdom) (06:31)
09. Schweizerisches Festspielorchester, Rafael Kubelík – SECHSTE TÜRE: Unbeweglich, weiß und stille (I can see a sheet of water) (06:48)
10. Schweizerisches Festspielorchester, Rafael Kubelík – Herzog Blaubart, lass Dich fragen… Wen hast Du… (Tell me, dearest Bluebeard) (06:25)
11. Schweizerisches Festspielorchester, Rafael Kubelík – SIEBENTE TÜRE: Schau, die früher’n Frauen alle (Hearts that I have loved and cherished) (02:34)
12. Schweizerisches Festspielorchester, Rafael Kubelík – Früh am Morgen kam die erste (The first I found at daybreak) (06:57)

Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau (Bluebeard)
Irmgard Seefried (Judith)
Schweizerisches Festspielorchester (orchestra)
Rafael Kubelík (conductor)


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